SunEdison to Buy 60% Stake in African Power Plants From BioTherm

(Bloomberg) — SunEdison Inc., the best-performing U.S.
solar company, is acquiring a 60 percent stake in 48.5 megawatts
of clean-energy capacity in South Africa from BioTherm Energy
Pty Ltd.

The plants, two solar and one wind, are selling electricity
to state-owned Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd. under contracts with
about 19 years remaining, according to an e-mailed statement
Tuesday. The purchase from Denham Capital Management LP-backed
BioTherm is expected to close “in the near future” after a
review by the country’s energy department. Terms weren’t

SunEdison will take over managing the 27-megawatt
Dassiesklip wind farm and the Konkoonsies and Aries solar farms,
each of which generate about 10.8 megawatts, a year after the
deal closes. The projects all became operational in the first
half of last year.

SunEdison has gained about 55 percent over the past year,
the most of any U.S. company on the 21-member Bloomberg
Intelligence Global Large Solar Energy Index

To contact the reporter on this story:
Justin Doom in New York at

To contact the editors responsible for this story:
Reed Landberg at
Robin Saponar, Steven Frank

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